Admission mba

News & Events

An awareness session on Hygiene and Healthy Life was conducted by Dr. Manu Joseph, Nivil Hospital on 06.12.2019 in connection with the World AIDS Day

The National Level Management Fest - KARMANTA is scheduled on 9th January 2020

A three day KMAT coaching will be conducted from 23rd to 25th November at VJIM campus. For registration contact 9400512240, 8943615547, 04602212240

Rural Camp for the IMBA students were held at Badoor Village from 12th to 16th November 2019. They were engaged in laying roads and other work related to the construction of new homes for the flood affected victims. Rev. Fr. Subin Rathappillil and Mr. Anoop Scaria Co-ordinated the programme.

To mark the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of our Nation students organised a rally conveying the message on the importance of a litter free India. As a part of the celebration students were engaged in street cleaning.

On the occasion of World Heart Day an awareness session on growing importance of maintaining Heart Health was conducted for the staff members and students by Rev. Dr. Lucia George

Second semester students will be visiting Malaysia from 22.08.2019 to 26.08.2019 as part of their International Industrial Visit. They will be visiting Yakult Factory and Hal Day Gardenia Bakeries as part of the programme.

Mr. Arjun Mohan who secured 66th Civil Service rank in all India level addressed the students on the topic Career Journey to Success.

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